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Dr. Jack

Advent Music

First, I want to say a word of thanks to members of our church who supported our Inaugural Concert by the Garvin County Choral Society & Sinfonietta. We were thrilled with the large, enthusiastic crowd. I was proud of our new chorus with representatives of seven area churches, local school children, two universities and numerous singers without church affiliation. The soloists and chamber orchestra were excellent. Stay tuned, we have fun plans for the spring.

The season of Advent has arrived. Music for the four weeks of Advent helps us anticipate Christmas. The excitement of these four Sundays builds to our traditional Christmas Eve Service where we sing the great Christmas carols.

We invite a “Family Choir” on Christmas Eve. Singers are invited to bring family members to sing; and, if you would like to sing with us on Christmas Eve, come and bring interested family members.

Celebrate the birth of Christ with us.



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