UPDATE: the last time we would have normally collected the Deacons' Fund offering was the day the city water pressure was low, and so was attendance. Session approved a make-up collection for this coming Sunday, August 20.
Per the habit of this congregation, we collect an offering specifically for the deacons every time there is a fifth Sunday in the month. Deacons are called to ministries of compassion and service. Usually, the Deacons' Fund is used to help people in extreme financial emergencies. Our deacons also care about us, as a congregation. Because of their compassion for those who worship here on Sundays and those who use the church building at other times, the Deacons are going to purchase an AED for our church. There is no urgent timeline; when the Deacons' fund is sufficiently built up, the AED will be purchased at that time.
This Sunday, August 20 is the make up collection for July 30. Please consider contributing to this particular expression of compassion then.