Hello, friends,
We're having a very special worship service at our church this Sunday, January 26, at 11:00am. There will be three leaders from congregations in our Presbytery sharing the sermon. They completed training on preaching and serving communion last weekend. We welcome them into our congregation and into our pulpit as they complete requirements to serve on the Pulpit supply list. The need is great in our Presbytery, as there are many congregations who do not have any pastoral leadership, much less permanent, "called and installed" pastors. We thank God for putting a call on their lives, and we thank them for answering that call.
So far, January has had an emphasis on the Presbyterian system of government and the idea of "ordered ministry." We had two consecutive Sundays of officer ordinations and installations, and we have discussed what each officer does. Ruling Elders discern God's will and govern; Deacons serve and witness with compassion; Teaching Elders proclaim the Word and serve sacraments and minister as pastors. This is somewhat simplistic, though. I and the Elders and Deacons--and all the baptized--we all share compassion for our congregation: "we hold God's people in our hearts." We all seek to testify to the great and mighty deeds God accomplishes in the world, and we show God's compassion to the world. We are all called to engage with the Word, to study and discern and be led by scripture, as well as sound teachings on scripture from church history. Ruling Elders and Deacons also give pastoral care. Teaching and Ruling Elders also serve. We are all called to love and serve one another like Deacons. It turns out that the Book of Order explicitly says that Ruling Elders should also "cultivate an ability to teach the Word when called upon to do so," and that Deacons should be allowed to "lead in worship."
This Sunday, the proclamation of God's word will be from:
Jackie Archer, Ruling Elder from Westminster Presbyterian Church, Lawton
Tyler Johnson, Deacon from First Presbyterian Church, Lawton
Farrel Smith, Ruling Elder from Achena Presbyterian Church, Maud
We can support them by doing what we always do on Sunday mornings:
Gather as the community of faith to praise and worship God
Prepare our hearts and minds to discern the Word of God
Respond to hearing the proclamation of God's Word in various ways, with thanks and offerings
Pray for one another
Return to the world to do God's will.
With gratitude, blessings, and I'll see you Sunday,