For those of us who love to quilt, every quilting item we make is an act of love. There are times when a special quilted item is required to fill a need, provide comfort or give someone a blessing. On such occasions, we let those friends, or even strangers know that we have been praying for them. Our Church family gives these items to family, friends, co-workers, and anyone needing to be remembered in a time of need.
CHRISTmas Prayer Stockings have a prayer attached to the inner lining and can be used all year long to place written blessings and prayers in them.
Pocket Prayer Quilts have a metal cross sewn inside and have a note attached. The recipient holds the small 2-inch quilt square in their hand or places it in their pocket and can touch the cross to be mindful of God's love and grace.
Small Prayer Quilts can be used for visual display or placed under the head when sitting in a chair or on a pillow when lying in bed. They are also useful during devotional readings or Bible study. These small mats have a fabric cross pattern sewn on the front.
These are just some of the items that are available.
We have been so blessed with fabric donations. Several recipients of a quilting item as well as our Church Members have graciously donated 100% cotton fabric and 4 sewing machines to help our Church's Quilting Ministry. We look forward to the new year to fulfill our purpose
Our mission: To promote prayer through the use of quilting items. The quilting item is simply the prayer carrier.