Holy Week starts with a worship service that begins with waving palm branches, this Sunday with Palm/Passion Sunday. There will be worship services at 7:00pm on Maundy Thursday at the First United Methodist Church, and Good Friday at our church, First Presbyterian. Here's the full schedule:
Sunday, April 2, 11:00am in our sanctuary or live-streamed on Facebook: Palm Passion Sunday! We'll start with loud Hosannas and a processional. We'll end by looking forward to passion of Christ before Easter.
Thursday, April 6, 7:00pm at the First United Methodist Church: Maundy Thursday service. "Maundy" means "Mandate," and Christ's mandate on Maundy Thursday is that we love one another. Jesus also had his last supper with his friends, and we will be celebrating communion. This is a combined worship event with us, First Presbyterian, and our friends at First United Methodist Church and First Christian Church.
Friday, April 7, 7:00pm in our sanctuary: Good Friday service featuring Cantata and stripping of the sanctuary. We're pleased to present Bach's Christ lay in Death's Bonds, with a combined choir with orchestral accompaniment. After the musical portion of the worship service, we will observe a solemn stripping of the sanctuary. This is a combined worship event with us, First Presbyterian, and our friends at First United Methodist Church and First Christian Church.
Sunday, April 9, 11:00am in our sanctuary or live-streamed on Facebook: Easter Sunday! Come joyfully celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, accompanied by a brass quartet.
We hope to see you at all of these meaningful worship opportunities.