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More Ferncliff Details

Here is some information about the Ferncliff camp opportunities.

  • Oklahoma Week is June 12 - 17. Kids from the three Oklahoma Presbyteries are encouraged to all attend this same week so they can get to know more kids in our own state. This is optional; if parents can't send their kids Oklahoma week, it is entirely ok to send them any week.

  • Ferncliff is trying to arrange shared transportation for Oklahoma week. Rather than driving way out to Ferncliff, we might be able to drop our kids off in the greater OKC area and have the kids ride together on a bus (or whatever, details are still TBD). In order to be included in the shared transportation plans for Oklahoma Week, you must register by May 1st.

  • Indian Nations Presbytery is giving a significant subsidy to campers from our Presbytery. In order to claim the subsidy, you must register for "TIER III" and include the discount code INP. This is for any week of camp, not just Oklahoma Week. If you already registered, and did not do something correctly, let us know so we can let the camp and Presbytery know.

Go to for more information about the camp.


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