We found a 1978 pictorial directory, and in it was this cool picture of the previous church building. We think that's looking northeast along Bradley with the older part of the brick Junior High showing behind the church. Our current building is almost 100 years old!
When you look at this building, don't just think about the "thing" in the picture, but think about the people who lived in this community and worshiped together as a congregation who stepped out in faith to let go of their charming "old" building and build the "new" building we worship in today. What will FPC Pauls Valley be like 100 years from now? It will still be people, not a building, as it was then and as it is today. "Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." I Peter 2:5
Don't forget to find old pictures and get them to Ruth Anne for our 100th year building celebration!
