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The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the emergency response program of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. You can help the Ukrainian people and refugees by donating to PDA. The response to the situation in Ukraine will include both financial and technical assistance as the network of faith communities providing humanitarian assistance grows in the months ahead. Listed below are four ways you can give monetary donations to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance program. Gifts can be made

  • online by clicking this link,

  • by calling (800) 872-3283,

  • by texting PDAUKR to 41444, or

  • by check made payable to Presbyterian Church U.S.A. with "DR000156-Ukraine" on the memo line. Mail to: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) P.O. Box 643700 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700

Pray for the people of the Ukraine. This is a prayer for the people of the Ukraine, written by Rev. Dr. Laurie Kraus, Director, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

God of mercy, justice and peace Our spirits are heavy with sorrow, our souls shocked At the sudden and breathtaking violence, the invasion of Ukraine by their neighbor, Russia. We pray for lives caught in the grip of war, who hear the bombs in the night, the ominous movement of troops on the road into town the whistle of incoming shells, for a cry from a desperate neighbor or a shout of warning. For those who huddle in subways and basements or flee for the borders, clutching their children’s hands We pray for families separated from fathers, brothers and sons who must remain to fight and protect their homeland. We pray for neighbors in Eastern and Central Europe As their hearts and doors open to these refugees That strained resources will become an abundance of hope That fears and struggles with racism will yield to a generosity of profound welcome That communities of faith within Ukraine will be protected from harm and sustained in their efforts to feed and shelter their neighbors. That peacemakers and protesters in Russia will be heard and their lives preserved. May we undergird our prayers with tangible resources to help. May we reach deeply, give generously, and welcome extravagantly. May we lift our voices in a strong and unified advocacy. May we all, even as we breathe in lament, breathe out mercy, hope and peace. And in this Lenten season, when we walk the way toward death and resurrection, repent our complicity in cultures of violence and renew our efforts toward justice and peace.


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